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Keys to Success Selling Techniques

Increase your sales with these proven sales strategies and selling tips. These articles contain sales strategy examples for closing the sale and giving a more powerful sales presentation.

Sales TipsKeys to Success Selling TechniquesSales PresentationsSales Training Articles

One of the Most Important Jobs of a Salesperson

One of the most important jobs of a salesperson is to manage the emotional state of the client. If the prospect seems scared, tell a story or ask a question that will help them relive a positive memory. If your prospect is bored, speed things up simplify, or use phrases that better align with their values and concerns. Be respectful, yet assertive. Think less about what you want to say and more about how you want the prospect to feel.
Shari LevitinKeys to Success Selling TechniquesSales PresentationsSales Training Articles

7 Sales Presentation Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Every time I work with a new sales organization, I find a few salespeople that are, well, too “sales-y”! What’s the mark of one of these old-fashioned types of salespeople? They employ platitudes and overused expressions rather than applying solid psychological sales principles. Nothing is more off-putting to a client than an obvious script or tired technique.