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Keys to Success Selling Techniques

Increase your sales with these proven sales strategies and selling tips. These articles contain sales strategy examples for closing the sale and giving a more powerful sales presentation.

Shari Levitin blogKeys to Success Selling TechniquesManagement Training ArticlesSales Training Articles

How Do Top Performers Balance Rapport and Urgency?

Think about your last few customer calls. When you first met were they excited, glad to speak with you, thrilled to buy—or were they suspicious, frazzled and impatient? If you said the former, I want your job. Truth is, most prospects don’t want to be sold; it’s your job to move them from a negative emotional state to a positive one. This involves creating a structure.
Shari Levitin Ghost in the RoomKeys to Success Selling TechniquesPersonal Professional DevelopmentSales Training Articles

The Ghost in the Room

It happens all the time. You’re lucky enough to land a qualified prospect, you create strong rapport, your customer loves your product, the price is right. There’s just one problem. They need to speak with their brother (or mother, or doctor, or lawyer, or board members) about it. This brother, of course, is vacationing in Italy and can’t be reached. I call this third party “The Ghost in the Room.”
Keys to Success Selling TechniquesSales Training Articles

The 10 Universal Truths Every Salesperson Needs to Know Revealed

Top salespeople know how to balance heart and sales. They also understand that unless they really know themselves, they’ll never truly connect with their customers—or anyone else, for that matter. They know that what you do matters, but who you are matters more. These universal truths are all about achieving that balance, and more deeply connecting with your authentic self.